I have my own cereal!

This was my view from my run this morning! I decided to hit the treadmill instead of hitting the streets since it’s 1 one degree. Helt seriøst.

Luckily, the Duggars kept me company for a few miles.
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I also hit up the strength equipment for a bit cross training.

(RunEatRepeat on Instagram)

I purchased breakfast so I could work and eat (as opposed to run and eat?).

And about a half an hour before I was supposed to meet the other bloggers for our drive to Mill City I took a walk around the sky link tunnel thing to explore.

Of course I got lost.

Luckily a helpful stranger saved the day and directed me in the right direction!

Finally it as time for the games to begin!! I’ve been excited about this trip since Erin from general Mills emailed me months ago. (I’ve also been diligently training for the cereal eating contest since I was 4 years old.)

Some tasty snackage to begin the events…

And all the Chex mix for happiness:

The remarkable people at general Mills basically made my life with this Monican Cheerios box. I think RER needs a signature cereal fo sho.


We discovered a lot about the process of making Cheerios including a very exciting announcement… just last week reps from Cheerios revealed that the cereal will be going gluten free in July.

To cap off the day we took a tour of the Mill City Museum. It was like an ode to Minneapolis and super interesting! even though it’s freezing I do really like this place – everyone I’ve met is super friendly. and it is gorgeous!

I just got back from a elegant dinner with the general Mills team and other bloggers. I want to share all the food and fun (it was awesome) but I really need to sleep! I’ll fill ya in tomorrow.

Question: Do you eat cereal in milk or dry or with yogurt or eggnog?

What’s your milk of choice?



Deling er omsorgsfuld!








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