Pantry Staples as well as Over Run Oats

hi hello!!! glad to see everybody likes Heather’s guest Post! If you haven’t inspected it out yet – do it now ?

This morning I made “Pumpkin Over-Run Oats” for breakfast. They were essentially overnight oats, however I just let them sit during my run as well as not overnight. I have discovered an hour or so is sufficient time for oats to get soft as well as absorb the liquid. Estimated in the mix: 1/3c oats, 1/3 yogurt, 1/3 pumpkin, 1/4c soy milk, chia seeds, stevia, cinnamon, salt as well as pumpkin pie spice. mix as well as let sit for an hour or so. I added much more soy milk as well as topped it with granola as well as almond butter to eat.
MY newest VIDEOS

5 minute Run warm Up A
Fast warm Up for Runners. 5 minute running warm up before your run. exactly how to get prepared to run. suggestions of what to do before you run

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Learning from a poor Run


More anonymous Questions…

Question: What are a few of your grocery staples?

Monica: There are a few things that I always have on hand. even though I “officially” ended up being veg once again this year, I truly have been 98% vegetarian (sometimes vegan) for over six years. So, I always have protein in the type of veggie burgers, yogurt or cottage cheese, hummus as well as beans.

Since I’m a self proclaimed carb enthusiast I have several kinds of bread as well as cereals around. I currently have wraps, routine bread as well as sandwich thins plus four type of cereal, oatmeal as well as oat bran.

I likewise always have a great deal of fruits as well as veggies. even though it’s just Ben as well as I living right here I still shop at Costco for my produce. This implies I keep a contant stock as well as try to eat everything before it goes bad!

Hello enthusiast ?

When it’s in season you will always discover watermelon in my house. I purchase them two each time as well as eat it crazy style.

“Nut butter” is a typical term around here.

And I wouldn’t be able to phone call myself a self respecting healthy way of life blog writer if I didn’t have a number of nut butters as well as nuts in my kitchen! I likewise have path mix, however if I got that out for a picture I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from digging in ?

Question: exactly how did you get your blog available as well as produce such a big visitor base? Was it just commenting on other blogs? as well as exactly how numerous page views do you typically have each day? Do you still comment on a great deal of blogs?

Monica: I started this blog two years back from the end of this month – wow, time flies! My visitor base mainly broadened with commenting or links from other blogs. because I was in CA up until recently, as well as I feel less blog writers online in that area, I wasn’t able to do numerous blog writer meet-ups as well as make friendships as well as connections that way.

I don’t comment on blogs half as frequently as I’d like to, however because the new year I’ve been making a big effort to make much more comments as well as let other blog writers understand I’m reading ?

Question: Do you ever get exhausted of or upset about peoples’ comments on your blog? I understand people are truly blunt as well as excessively crucial over the Web as well as when they comment as well as I believe it takes a strong person to offer with all that. just wondered your thoughts…

Monica: I don’t truly get imply comments on Run eat Repeat. I really don’t understand why not? I do understand from talking with other bloggers, that people state truly imply things in comments as well as I don’t get it.

My theory: I believe meanness frequently comes out of jealousy as well as because I am so open with my faults on the blog, people don’t feel the requirement to be jealous or cut me down. Wait, ought to I be unfortunate that I’m so lame nobody feels jealous of me? Boo.

I have never gotten a comment that was so imply I had to delete it. I believe I would if it was just imply spirited as well as would potentially offend other readers, however I haven’t had to yet.

My other theory:

I believe all my visitors understand I’m…

a.) Mexican

b.) from Pico Rivera

c.) bigger than them

and would rather not f with me ?

Note: I will response all questions, however I’m going a bit out of purchase as I’ve been answering a few of the shorter ones lately. If you have an anonymous concern for me ask away here!!!

Wait, I run!

I was having so much fun answering concerns I practically failed to remember I ran today! I did a treadmill speed work-out based on Meghann’s Fartlek run from last week. Det var svært! as well as I think  fartlek (pronounced fart-lick) runs are a great deal much more fun outside. The word actually implies speed play, so shouldn’t it feel like playing?

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