The skinny Confidential book evaluation

happy Friday! Vi klarede det! more importantly, vegas made it. The vet called as well as stated he’s anemic as well as needs vitamins. So, I told him to eat some spinach as well as get his life together. Vi får at se…

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Friday Favorites…

Favorite breakfast of the week is simple – PB & Banana sprinkled with cinnamon.

Favorite snack – I am consumed with the new Greek Yogurt Whips. This is kinda weird since I’m not normally a whipped cream or mousse person. however I dig these!

I dig them additional with toppings

And my preferred dinner of the week is anything warm as well as eat. Tonight it was an additional Freshly meal I had from my week of meal delivery.

My new hot pink nail polish! ELSKER. I normally am a bubble gum pink girl, however was feeling like a sassy pants as well as got hot pink gel yesterday.

A great deal of people were asking about the color on Instagram. since it’s gel there is no great name – La Paz-itively hot is similar though.

Skinny Confidential book Review

Are you familiar with the skinny Confidential blog by Lauryn Evarts? She’s based in San Diego (I’m in south Orange County) so I kinda feel like I’m supporting local 


Eat seasonally… shop local… support women had businesses. Gentage.

The skinny Confidential: A Babe’s Sexy, Sassy physical fitness as well as way of life Guide

Lauryn just released a book likewise named The skinny Confidential as well as it covers all the usual healthy way of life bases as well as more: food, fitness, balance, relationships, hair, your connection with your hair…

I took it with me to a recent visit as well as it was perfect for something like that. It reads type of like a blog in that she shares health and wellness as well as beauty tips, it’s simple to checked out as well as has a great deal of excellent pictures.

I think about Lauryn super healthy since she seems dedicated to a healthy way of life from head to toe (she juices, exercises as well as general has it together). however she’s likewise quite typical as well as confesses her like of Flamin’ hot Cheetos! sometimes she dips Cheetos in her eco-friendly juice! Kidding.

But maybe? I don’t understand I’m not complying with her around all day…

Also, she provides a bit like to running

I’m not normally a Bloody Mary girl, however anything is worth a shot to beat a hangover!

Overall Thoughts: The skinny Confidential book is an easy, fun checked out packed with helpful, realistic tips as well as recipes. It’s styled similar to blog posts so you can get concepts as well as tips fast. Lauryn is directly to the point as well as doesn’t hold back on her preferred products as well as secrets.I like that it’s not just about one element of physical fitness however more an general lifestyle.

Bonus – Lauryn is gorgeous as well as there are tons of pics so it’s nice just to look with as well as stop on a tip that speaks to you in that moment.

Question: What’s your preferred thing this week?

Disclaimer: A rep from The skinny Confidential team sent me the book to review. All opinions are my own.



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